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Skafe - Linha Natutrat (SOS Kids) - Condicionador 300 Ml - (Natutrat (SOS Kids) Collection - Conditioner 10.14 Fl Oz)

Linha (Collection): Natutrat

The Natutrat S.O.S Kids Conditioner's main active ingredient is Shea Butter, which promotes intense hydration, in addition to repairing and protecting curls, making mothers' day-to-day care easier for children. Its formula contains reconstructive active ingredients that form a film on the hair fiber, repairing, nourishing and restoring the health of curls damaged by chemical processes and/or external agents.
O Condicionador NatutratS.O.S Kids tem como principal ativo a Manteiga de Karite, que promove hidratacao intensa, alem de reparar e proteger os cachinhos, facilitando o dia-a-dia das maes no cuidado das criancas. Sua formula contem ativos reconstrutores que formam um filme na fibra capilar, reparando, nutrindo e recuperando a saude dos cachinhos danificados por processos quimicos e/ou agentes externos.

EAN: 7898658620717

Skafe - Natutrat SOS Kids - Condicionador 300Ml - Conditioner 10.14FlOz)

$25.97 Regular Price
$10.97Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count (Qtde de Itens): 1
    Item Form: Liquid (Liquido)

    - Deep Hydration (Hidratacao Profunda)
    - Intense Shine (Brilho Intenso)
    - Shiny Curls (Cachinhos Brilhantes)
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