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Salon Line - Linha Meu Liso (Protecao Total) - Kit Shampoo e Condicionador (2 x 300 Ml) - (My Straight (Total Protection) Collection - Shampoo and Conditioner Kit (2 x 10.14 Fl Oz))

Linha (Collection): Meu Liso

The My Straight Total Protection Kit includes Shampoo and Conditioner from the Total Protection line. Together, the products to protect hair from dryers and straighteners guarantee the right amount of cleansing, healthy hair, 3X more protection, 3X more softness and 72 hours without frizz.
O Kit Meu Liso Protecao Total conta com Shampoo e Condicionador da linha Meu Liso Protecao Total. Juntos, os produtos para proteger o cabelo do secador e da chapinha garantem limpeza na medida certa, cabelos saudaveis, 3X mais protecao, 3X mais maciez e 72 horas sem frizz.

EAN: 7909999903626

Salon Line - Meu Liso Protecao Total - Kit Shampoo e Condicionador (2 x 300Ml)

$28.97 Regular Price
$12.97Sale Price

Additional 5% Discount on Orders Over $200

  • Item Count: 2
    Item Form: liquid

    - With vegetable keratin, vegetable ceramides and hyaluronic acid (Com queratina vegetal, ceramidas vegetal e acido hialuronico)
    - Protects hair from damage (Protege os cabelos de danos)
    - Vegan Product (Produto Vegano)
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